Historic Hearing on Paid Family
and Sick Leave

Ways and Means Committee's hearing on paid family and medical leave

In May, the Ways and Means Committee held its first-ever hearing on paid family and medical leave. I shared my family's personal story – which isn't too different from what many families in our communities are experiencing today.

I also spoke with paid leave advocates before the hearing. Watch our conversation about the importance of national paid leave legislation.

Hearing on White Supremacy

Last month, the Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties addressed white supremacy, its unprecedented mobilization, and the consequences of inaction.

During this hearing, I shared just a few of the hateful comments I receive on a weekly basis.

Expanding Medicare Language Access

In a country as culturally and ethnically diverse as ours, language barriers are a huge obstacle for too many when trying to access information on their health.

Read my letter – joined by 62 of my colleagues – to get Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to expand Medicare language access.

Dangers of Facial Recognition

Last month, at my urging, the House Committee on Oversight held its first hearing on facial recognition where I continued to express my fears about the potential harm of this technology on my constituents' civil rights.

Watch my remarks, read the New York Times Article about my concerns, and watch my appearance at the Atlantic's Artificial Intelligence Summit.

Climate Change and Innovation

The Ways and Means Committee held its first climate change hearing in 12 years. During the hearing, my colleagues on the other side believed that innovation would resolve the climate crisis.

Innovation doesn't happen with the snap of a finger. It requires bold goals, strong policies, and meaningful investment.

Congressional Art Competition Winners

Congressman Gomez with this year's Congressional Art Competition winners.

Congratulations to this year's 2019 Congressional Art Competition winners!

1st Place: Grace Kim
Notre Dame Academy
"Day in Downtown"
2nd Place: Gabriela Cruz- Diaz
Robert F. Kennedy School for the Visual Arts and Humanities
"Full Moon"
3rd Place: Kayla Jang
UCLA Community School
"My Connection. My Los Angeles"
People's Choice Winner: Jasmine Ruiz
Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School
"David Bowie Pop Art

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