Everybody Counts!

Congressman Gomez ensures immigrant communities at CHIRLA's Contamos Contigo press conference that they will be counted – not silenced – on the 2020 Census.

It’s final: there will be no citizenship question on the 2020 Census questionnaire.
While this is a big win for our community partners and immigrant communities, our work is not over. 

Read my statement about our next steps.

Investing in Women's Health

In June, I re-introduced the Jeanette Acosta Invest in Women’s Health Act.
Named after a former Hill staffer, Obama White House Intern, and CA-34 constituent, this bill ensures all women have equal access to preventive healthcare and cancer screenings.
Learn more about the bill and watch my press conference introducing the bill with Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Watch, Black Women’s Health Imperative, and Jeanette’s family

Expanding Health Care Access

At last month’s Ways and Means Committee hearing on universal health care, I dispelled the myth that: “Things are fine because everyone has access to health care.”
Access is not equal.
Watch my committee remarks where I talked about the importance of equal access to health care.

Protecting the Dream

In June, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6 – the Dream and Promise Act – to protect the promise of America for the hundreds of thousands of DREAMers and TPS recipients living in our country.
Read my statement about why it was deeply personal for me to have voted for this legislation.

 On the Line with Constituents

At my most recent telephone town hall, I spoke with 5,393 of our friends and neighbors about issues they care about, including affordable housing, holding this administration accountable, caring for our veterans, access to health care, and student debt.
To stay up-to-date on future telephone town halls, sign up on my website!

Intern with #TeamGomez!

Gain valuable experience as a #TeamGomez intern!

Team Gomez is looking for student interns to join our DC and LA offices!

Interns will be able to learn about our country’s legislative process and see firsthand how public policy plays an important role in our community.
To learn more and to apply, visit my website!

1530 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6235
350 S. Bixel Street, #120
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 481-1425
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