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Rep. Gomez at CRC launch

Who We Are

The Congressional Renters Caucus serves as a platform for legislators to collaborate, propose legislation, and engage in constructive dialogue on critical issues impacting renters. With over 44 million households nationwide living in rental accommodations, it is imperative to prioritize their needs and concerns.


What We Do

The Congressional Renters Caucus works to expand assistance for all eligible cost-burdened renters, eliminate bureaucratic and discriminatory barriers to accessing affordable housing; and improve the quality, availability, and affordability of our nation's rental housing stock.


Why We Exist

The Congressional Renters Caucus comes as recent studies show that for the first time since tracking began 20 years ago, the average American is rent burdened, meaning they pay over 30 percent of their income on rent. This historic initiative aims to address the challenges faced by millions of renters, advocate for their rights, and promote affordable and safe housing options.


Our Mission

As the burden of rent has increased significantly, far outpacing the increase in real wages, it's become clear that we need a strong, coordinated effort in Congress to advocate for the millions of renters in our country. That's why I'm proud to launch the first-ever congressional caucus to fight for renters and affordable, quality living.

—Rep. Jimmy Gomez, Founder and Chair

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