Hello Friend,
As we wait for President Trump to give his first State of the Union address, I am outraged, as I know many of you are.
I’m outraged that my Republican colleagues in Congress have chosen to leave DREAMers out in the cold, and instead focus their energy on making the wealthy and elite even richer. I’m outraged by the racist, xenophobic agenda promulgated by the Trump administration. I’m outraged that the great country my parents immigrated to is now being held hostage by a party that willfully ignores the words at the feet of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
Since becoming your Representative, I have taken many legislative actions to protect DREAMers. I co-sponsored the DREAM Act; I signed a discharge petition to force House Republicans to call a vote; and, just last week, I voted against a short-term government funding bill because Republicans once again failed to fund community health centers and federal disaster relief, and they failed to provide a legislative solution for DREAMers. Likewise, DREAMers have marched, chanted, and hosted sit-ins, protests, boycotts, and town halls. Despite every action, President Trump and the Republican Party have put DREAMers on the back burner, leaving them as a problem to resolve for another day. However, every day that we wait, an additional 122 DREAMers are at risk of deportation.
So, while I stand vehemently opposed to the policies of this Administration and of Congressional Republicans, I will be attending the State of the Union address this evening, but I won’t come alone.
Republican leadership needs to be reminded that this nation was built by immigrants who came here in search of a better life. The entire Republican Party and President Trump himself need to see the face of the crisis they manufactured.
That’s why my guest to the State of the Union is Itayu Torres, a DREAMer from the Westlake neighborhood of CA-34. As a member of the California Dream Network and close ally of CHIRLA, this college student has marched, rallied, protested, and advocated for what she knows is rightfully hers.
As Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the U.S. Congress, once famously said, “If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” Tonight, Itayu and I are going to bring our chairs right to the House Chamber. We are going to look Trump squarely in the eye and show him everything that he is forcing America to miss out on by refusing to take action.
Republicans may control the White House and Congress for now, but they do not own our democracy outright. We are going to hold Republicans accountable so DREAMers are granted what they deserve, what they have fought for, and what they have earned – a chance at the American dream.
Rep. Jimmy Gomez
P.S. As always, it is an honor to represent you in the U.S. Congress. Visit my website or contact my Los Angeles office at 213-481-1425 or Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-6235, if we can be of service in any way. To stay connected, join me on Twitter, Facebook, and, if you have not done so already, please sign up to continue receiving my e-alert.