The past two months have been turbulent to the say the least, from immigrant children being separated from their families at the border to what I believe are the administration’s continued policies that mislead the American people on a host of important issues. But as alarming as these developments are, please know that I’m doing everything in my power as your Member of Congress to address them on the federal level. I’ve made numerous visits to the U.S. – Mexico border to tour immigrant detention centers where children are being housed, held a community round table for my Korean American constituents to understand their concerns on the White House’s ever-changing stance on North Korea, stood in front of the U.S. Supreme Court to condemn the travel ban against our Muslim brothers and sisters, and spoke to young graduates across Los Angeles to help motivate them to rise above the limitations others have placed on them.
I’d like to thank you and all of my constituents for continuing to inspire me and reaching out to voice their thoughts. If you ever have questions about my positions or policies, need help with a federal agency, or assistance with immigration issues, please reach out to my office and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Rep. Jimmy Gomez
Rep. Gomez Calls for Investigation into Administration's Alleged Mistreatment of Immigrant Children
During his recent press conference in Los Angeles with local and national immigrant and children’s rights groups, Rep. Gomez called on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to investigate allegations of mistreatment of immigrant children in federal custody.
Read more about Rep. Gomez’s perspective in our News Room and see pictures of the event on Twitter.