Congressman Jimmy Gomez and House Democrats Push White House to Answer for 2020 Census Citizenship Question

Washington, D.C.Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) and 66 House Democratic cosponsors introduced a unique House procedure, a resolution of inquiry (ROI), to force the Trump administration to release documents related to the decision to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

“House Democrats, including all Members of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, have repeatedly requested the Trump administration produce all documents relating to the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 Census, only to be met with obstruction and flimsy excuses,” said Congressman Jimmy Gomez. “Such disgraceful political games only serve to belittle our constituents and compromise how we understand and serve them. With this ROI, we are sending a strong message to President Trump: We simply won’t allow you to conceal your motives behind adding this egregious citizenship question to the census.”

A resolution of inquiry (ROI) is a House resolution (H. Res.) demanding that the President or the head of an executive department provide the House of Representatives with specific, factual information. Under Clause 7 of House Rule XIII, a ROI results in either a markup in the committee in which it was referred or, if the committee fails to discharge the bill within 14 legislative days, the resolution becomes a privileged motion to discharge the Committee and consider the resolution on the House floor.



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