In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision—reversing a half-century of precedent that affirmed the Constitutional right of every woman to make decisions about her body, health, and family. This dangerous ruling puts the fundamental right to privacy—and the lives of millions of Americans—at risk. I am outraged at what this means for women and those who face the greatest barriers to reproductive health care: Black and Brown communities, those who live in rural areas, people who can’t afford to cross state lines for care, LGBTQ+ people, and individuals in abusive relationships who will be most impacted by this ruling.

That is why my colleagues and I immediately got to work passing critical legislation to protect women’s health freedom and their lives, including the Women’s Health Protection Act, which once again makes the protections of Roe v. Wade the law of the land. The Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act – a bill stopping partisan efforts to criminalize, fine or sue women who exercise their constitutional right to travel across state lines to obtain an abortion.  The Right to Contraception Act, which guarantees the right to obtain and use birth control as established in Griswold. The Respect for Marriage Act:  a bill that would enshrine the marriage equality for same sex and interracial couples guaranteed by Obergefell and Loving for the purposes of federal law.

This fight doesn't end here, and I'm committed to ensure women have equal rights and protections. Below are a few pieces of legislation I've introduced or cosponsored to advocate for women in California and across our country.

Jeanette Acosta Invest in Women's Health Act

I first introduced this bill in the 116th Congress and have since reintroduced it in 2021 with Senator Patty Murray in honor of women's health advocate and native of our district, Jeannette Acosta. Acosta lost her battle with cervical cancer when she was just 32-years old, but spent her career fighting hard to ensure women's health services are accessible to all socioeconomic backgrounds. This bill would expand access to preventive, lifesaving women's health screenings through new grant and pilot programs at community care centers, especially in low-income neighborhoods.

Paycheck Fairness Act

This bill eliminates loopholes in the Equal Pay Act to close the disastrous pay gap for women, especially women of color. I was an original cosponsor of and voted to pass this legislation in the 116th and 117th sessions of Congress.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

I've been an original cosponsor of and voted to pass this bill in the 116th and117th sessions of Congress. The legislation makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate against or refuse to provide reasonable accommodations for employees or job applicants who are pregnant or dealing with related medical conditions.

Additional Supported Legislation

Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act

Smithsonian Women's History Museum Act

Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act

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