CBS News: House Democrats advance measure to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees

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Greene's conduct prompted California Democrat Jimmy Gomez to introduce a resolution to expel Greene from the House, while other Democrats have pressured Republican leaders to hold her accountable for her actions. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy met with Greene on Tuesday, after which Republicans convened a last-minute meeting of the Steering Committee, which controls its…

CNN: Marjorie Taylor Greene has been stripped of her committee assignments. What's next?

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But Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez of California, who has introduced a resolution to expel Greene, told reporters he still believes she should be removed from Congress even after watching her floor remarks. The congressman said of his resolution, "I'm committed to bringing it up, and I said that to leadership that there needs to be a vote sooner rather or later on this." Gomez…

NBC News: Ex-Attorney General Sessions needs to answer questions on zero tolerance, says DOJ inspector general

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"This never should have happened. It infuriates me because this administration did not care about the repercussions and the trauma that would be caused to these children," said Rep. Jimmy Gomez. Horowitz did say that, based on the accounts of those in meetings with Sessions, "it was certainly the understanding of Sessions" that children would be separated from their parents. Full Article

Roll Call: House votes to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee assignments

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Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., plans to introduce a resolution to expel Greene from the chamber, but it requires a two-thirds majority, which Greene critics are unlikely to muster. His office is in talks with leadership to figure out the most appropriate legislative avenue and timing for introduction, an aide said. It has 69 Democratic co-sponsors. Full Article

Washington Post: House ejects Marjorie Taylor Greene from committees over extremist remarks

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The Greene saga might not yet be over: Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.), who has introduced a resolution to expel Greene from the House, said he still intended to force a vote on that question, but he said he was in talks with Democratic leaders about the timing of the move. The House is expected to take a two-week recess after it completes its business this week. Full Article

USA Today: Republicans target Rep. Ilhan Omar after Dems try to oust Marjorie Taylor Green

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Greene did not answer questions Wednesday from reporters as she left her office. House Republicans have a meeting Wednesday afternoon and Greene's future within their caucus is likely to be discussed. Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., introduced a resolution calling for Greene to be expelled from Congress, saying she advocated "extremism and sedition." Full Article

Al Jazeera: Back home in Georgia, voters stand with QAnon congresswoman

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In a statement to CNN, Greene blamed the “teams of people” who she said managed her social media pages for those posts. In response, Democrats are moving quickly against Greene. Pelosi has called her views “appalling” and urged Republicans to rein her in. Last week California Democratic Representative Jimmy Gomez called for a vote to remove Greene from office, an unlikely outcome. Full Article

Roll Call: House set to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committees

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A resolution by Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., to expel Greene for her conduct has almost 70 co-sponsors and will be introduced later this week, according to a spokesperson for Gomez. A resolution for expulsion, censure or reprimand need not go through the House Ethics Committee and can be called up by the sponsor. As it involves the conduct of a member, it is a privileged question and…

Los Angeles Times: Editorial: Marjorie Taylor Greene is despicable, but Democrats will only play into her hands by removing her from committees

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Perhaps she is, but that’s the Republicans’ problem. Democrats, though, are so bothered by Greene’s views that they’re fast-tracking a resolution to remove her from her assigned committees. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles) is also circulating a resolution to expel Greene from the House entirely. Full Article

Japan Times: Mitch McConnell calls Marjorie Taylor Greene a 'cancer' on GOP

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Wasserman Schultz’s approach would require a simple majority vote to pass the House, where Democrats hold 221 seats to Republicans’ 211. That makes the measure far easier to pass then a separate effort, circulated by Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez, to expel Greene, which would require a two-thirds vote to pass. Greene has supported false online claims that school shootings were staged,…

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