Washington Post: Lawmakers, inspector general demand answers on Census Bureau political appointees

“The Trump Administration has failed to adequately set forth its motives for this action, identify the specific needs it is trying to address, explain why it needs more political appointees running the Census than previous Administrations, or justify why the American taxpayers should be forced to pay for these partisan appointees running what should be an ideologically neutral count of the people in our country,” said a sharply worded letter Monday from Democratic Reps. Carolyn B. Maloney (N.Y.), Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), Yvette D. Clarke (N.Y.), Jimmy Gomez (Calif.) and Gerald E. Connolly (Va.). The Census Bureau is overseen by the Commerce Department.
The letter referred to reports that the two men have repeatedly questioned why the bureau wants to focus on improving response rates in hard-to-count areas, which include low-income and minority communities.

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