Inside Trade: Rep. Gomez slams Trump’s Canada tariff announcement as politically motivated

President Trump’s decision to re-impose aluminum tariffs on Canada was made for political gain in an election year, a House Democrat who participated in U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement negotiations told Inside U.S. Trade.
“This president will do anything for political advantage, especially this year,” said Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA). “That’s why no one really trusts when he takes these actions if it’s truly in the best interest of American workers or if it’s in the best interest of his re-election prospects.”
Gomez was appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) last year to co-lead labor talks in USMCA negotiations with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. He suggested Trump’s announcement of aluminum tariffs was made primarily for political gain as support for his re-election slips in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania, according to recent polls.

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