Today, Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), and Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-39) introduced a resolution commemorating Korean American Day, the 119th anniversary of the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States on January 13, 1903. 

“Since the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States 119 years ago, Korean Americans have added tremendous value to the social fabric and economic output of this country,” said Congressman Gomez. “Most recently, we have seen countless examples of Korean American businesses and community groups stepping up to do their part to keep our neighbors safe and healthy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. I am proud to represent Koreatown in Los Angeles—home to the largest Korean American community in the United States—and it is a great pleasure to lead this resolution to recognize the contributions of Korean Americans across the country.” 

“119 years ago, the first Korean immigrants to the US arrived and have helped to shape our country and culture ever since. Today, as we celebrate Korean American Day, I’m thrilled to have an historic four Korean American Members of Congress with even more incredible Korean American leaders breaking barriers as judges and members of the Administration,” said Congresswoman Chu. “As our country recovers from the pandemic which has disproportionately impacted Asian American communities and the plague of anti-Asian hate crimes, it is more important than ever that we stand with the Korean American community to ensure everyone is included in our economic recovery and safe from bigotry and violence. Our diversity is our strength and I’m thrilled to celebrate the contributions of Korean Americans today and every day.”  

“Since the first Korean immigrants arrived in the United States on January 13, 1903, Korean Americans have made significant contributions in all aspects of American life across our nation’s communities,” said Congresswoman Kim. “As one of the first Korean American women to serve in Congress and an immigrant from South Korea who represents a district that includes a vibrant Korean American community, I am proud to honor my heritage, recognize the 1.8 million Korean Americans in the U.S. today and promote the important role that Korean Americans play in defining America as a land of opportunity by introducing this resolution to honor Korean American Day.”  

Congressman Gomez, Congresswoman Chu, and Congresswoman Kim were joined by 75 of their House colleagues and several Korean American community organizations in commemorating Korean American Day.  

“KFAM provides culturally responsive programs and services in Mental Health, Family and Domestic Violence and Foster Care, to over 10,000 clients in the Greater Los Angeles area annually,” said Katherine Yeom, executive director of Korean American Family Services. “The greater LA area is home to over 350,000 Korean Americans and January 13, 2022 is celebrating and recognizing the heritage of our families, history of the first Korean immigrants and the impact the community has made in the state of California in the past 119 years. Thank you, Congressman Gomez for celebrating and recognizing this importance of this day. Also, the Korean American civic engagement is critical and significant as our voices should be heard to be able to make a direct impact to improve our lives and the lives of the Korean Community.”  

“The Korean American Grassroots Conference thanks the leadership of Rep. Jimmy Gomez in celebrating the Korean American Day with a House Resolution for five years in a row,” said Wonseok Song, executive director of the Korean American Grassroots Conference (KAGC), the largest network of Korean American voters. “From standing in solidarity with our community against racial violence, to working to provide relief for small businesses, from advocating for close U.S.-Korea relations, to recognizing the invaluable contributions of immigrant communities, Congressman Gomez has been a reliable ally of our community over the years. We are grateful to have such a thoughtful friend in Representative Gomez and for his support for the key issues of our community, such as the Korean American VALOR Act, the Divided Families Reunification Act, and Adoptee Citizenship Act.” 

"KYCC joins Congressman Jimmy Gomez in celebrating Korean American Day!” said Johng Ho Song, executive director of the Koreatown Youth and Community Center (KYCC). “We applaud Congressman Gomez for his dedication to Koreatown and appreciate the continued partnership to empower the Korean American community."   

“The entire Korean American community of Greater Los Angeles is very grateful to Rep. Jimmy Gomez and Rep. Young Kim for this bipartisan resolution that recognizes the 119-year history of Korean-American immigration and the many contributions of Korean American immigrants,” said James An, president of the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles. “The Korean American Federation of Los Angeles continues to advocate for our community by assisting with SBA EIDL loans, rental assistance, and unemployment insurance. We also continue to assist members of the AAPI community report ANTI-ASIAN hate incidents and crimes. Despite the many economic achievements of the Korean-American community, there are still many who need help. We pray that members of the U.S. Congress continue to advocate for those people.” 

The full resolution is available here

A video clip of Congressman Gomez’s speech to recognize Korean American Day on the House Floor can be found here.  



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