Rep. Gomez's Message to Constituents: There's No Room for Racism in LA.

LOS ANGELES – Today, Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) sent a letter to his constituents following a leaked audio recording of a meeting with City Council officials. You can find Rep. Gomez's statement calling for the resignation of the City Councilmembers involved in the meeting here.

Dear Friends, 

Like many of you, I am appalled by the racist, homophobic language and personal attacks made in a leaked audio recording of a meeting with City Council officials.

Let me be clear — there’s no room for anti-Blackness, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Indigenous language in any shape or form. We must root it out.

LA is hurting, and these past days have been painful.

That's why I joined Representative Karen Bass today, for an emergency meeting with civic, faith, and justice leaders to start the process of coming together and healing. 

LA is at its best when leaders take responsibility for their actions, show humility and culpability, and work together to uplift all communities — understanding that unity and collaboration is better than division. 

Although some actions were taken, our leaders fell short of that. In order to begin the important work of restoring public trust and healing our city, we need accountability.

The Councilmembers involved need to resign.

Moving forward, I will be working with Representative Bass to bring together community leaders and members from across Los Angeles to discuss policies that bridge racial, ethnic, and faith lines, expand opportunities for collaboration and improve the quality of life for all Angelenos.

This is the work our city deserves.


Jimmy Gomez
Member of Congress


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