Chair Gomez & Congressional Dads Caucus Announce Father’s Day Resolution and First Bill Endorsements

The Dads Caucus also joined in announcing a new report on the State of America’s Fathers from Equimundo

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week Chair Jimmy Gomez and the Congressional Dads Caucus made their first major legislative announcement of the year at a press conference, unveiling their first bill endorsements and a Father’s Day resolution honoring dads and calling for support of their three key pillars: paid family leave, affordable child care, and the expanded child tax credit. The Caucus also invited Gary Barker, President and CEO, Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice to unveil a new report on the State of America’s Fathers, linked here

View a video of the press conference HERE.

Later in the week, the Dads Caucus hosted a roundtable with Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff and advocates to discuss issues affecting working families. The conversation centered on national paid family and medical leave, affordable child care, and reducing poverty.

“This Father’s Day, Congressional Dads from across the country are turning a day of celebration into a week of action. From introducing a Father’s Day Resolution to endorsing our first bills that would advance the overall wellbeing of parents and families - dads are stepping up,” said Rep. Gomez. “Equimundo’s State of Fathers report found that moms and dads of all political ideologies are on board with the issues the Dads Caucus is fighting for, including paid family leave and affordable child care. It’s long past time our government catches up with the American public on their need for policies that help working families.”


The Dads Caucus announced its endorsement of two bills:

·         The American Family Act, introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, which will ensure that the expanded and improved monthly child tax credit becomes a permanent fixture in families’ lives; and

·         Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Underwood, which will address the maternal mortality crisis by tackling racial and ethnic disparities in maternal health outcomes.

“Our research from the 2023 State of America’s Fathers confirms that men are doing more of the care work than ever before, and that they want and will vote for – as much as mothers – paid leave and affordable, accessible child care. The Father's Day Resolution from the Congressional Dad's Caucus is an urgent call for the policies all families need – particularly the nearly 27% of our households who care for children under age 18 and an elderly family member,” said Gary Barker, CEO and President of Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice.

"The State of America's Fathers research confirms what we have long known: Parents, and all people, who care for a child or a loved one deserve the ability to provide love and care without risking their job, their financial stability, or their well-being -- and that they are willing to activate in support of government investments in care policies. Care provides connection and grows the pie in both concrete and intangible ways that benefit people, businesses, communities, and the economy. It's not zero sum. Paid family and medical leave for all, policies that expand access to care for our children and loved ones, wages for professionals who provide care, and economic support for families are all essential, not optional -- and it's great to see the Congressional Dads Caucus at the forefront of the fight for policies that our families and country need,” said Vicki Shabo, Senior Fellow for Paid Leave, Gender Equity and Care Policy and Strategy at Better Life Lab.


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