ICYMI: Rep. Gomez Announces $1.5 Million for 248 Units of Affordable Housing in Little Tokyo

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) held a press conference to announce $1.5 million in federal funding for the development of 248 units of permanent affordable housing in Little Tokyo. The funding will go to Little Tokyo Service Center Community Development Corporation for redevelopment costs to build the “First Street North Apartments” project, which will provide affordable and permanent supportive housing, including homes for unhoused veterans.


“I fought for federal funding for this ambitious project because it will provide permanent, affordable housing for hundreds of my constituents,” said Gomez. “Combatting the housing affordability crisis in LA is one of my top priorities, which is why I founded the Congressional Renters Caucus and why I’m using the appropriations process to fund projects like the First Street North Apartments. It is more important than ever to advocate for renters, take care of our veterans who are experiencing homelessness, and prevent the cycle of homelessness from beginning in the first place.”

"Housing appears to be the defining crisis of our state, if not our country, and what we do about it will define our generation. I want to thank Congressman Gomez for recognizing this and for rising to the occasion by so generously funding this First Street North Apartments Project,” said Debbie Chen, Director of Real Estate at LTSC. “Thanks to the $1.5 million in federal funding that Congressman Gomez has secured for the First Street North Apartments Project, the wait is almost over. We’re starting construction in 2024."

“This building that we are about to construct with the help of our friends at Little Tokyo Service Center stands as a testament to America’s promise,” said Mitch Maki, President and CEO of the Go For Broke National Education Center. “Thank you to Congressman Gomez and his staff for helping us at Little Tokyo Service Center and Go For Broke National Education Center pave the way for a better tomorrow for all of us here in Los Angeles.”

"The Congressman has really stood for everything that we care about — affordable housing, fighting homelessness, immigrant rights and, of course, he's the chair of the Congressional Dads Caucus, which fights for affordable childcare and paid family leave. So, really want to thank the Congressman for everything that he does for his district and for the policies that really are going to benefit low-income folks, communities of color and projects like First Street North,” said Erich Nakano, Executive Director at LTSC. “We are committed to revitalizing and strengthening the Little Tokyo neighborhood as a historic cultural neighborhood, but also home to a multiethnic population of residents and seniors and legacy businesses.”

Background: The $1.5 million that Gomez secured will help the First Street North Apartments Project serve Los Angeles at an unprecedented size and scale. First Street North will be three to four times the size of an average permanent affordable housing project, with 100% of the units reserved for low-income households. Half of the units will be specifically set aside for low-income families, one-third set aside for homeless Angelenos, including homeless veterans, and First Street North will have 40,000 square feet of retail space for Little Tokyo businesses and the Go For Broke National Education Center.


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