Gomez to Introduce Legislation to Build Three Million New Housing Units and Help First Time Homebuyers in Answer to Harris’ Call

Los Angeles, CAU.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) announced he is introducing legislation to provide the first-ever tax incentive to build new starter homes and a tax credit for first-time homebuyers. The announcement follows Vice President Harris' speech outlining an economic plan that includes these policies.

Rep. Gomez released the following statement:

“As chair of the Renters Caucus, I’m answering Vice President Harris’ call and introducing legislation to provide the first-ever tax incentive to build millions of new starter homes and a tax credit for first-time homebuyers.

“More and more Americans are being priced out of the increasingly scarce and expensive housing market, and instead are forced to pay over a third of their income on rent. Young people I speak with say they are putting their homeownership dreams on hold for the same reasons and they feel pessimistic about ever putting away enough money for a down payment.

“My bill will focus on tax incentives to build millions of starter homes for first-time buyers and help millions of renters become homeowners. As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over these tax incentives, I look forward to working with my colleagues, committee staff and stakeholders to comprehensively address the housing crisis.”


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