$21.8 Million Allotted for Unhoused Migrant Children on Skid Row Following Push from Gomez

Los Angeles, CA – U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is heeding his call for $21.8 million in federal assistance to help house and provide services to new migrants throughout Los Angeles, including migrant children living on Skid Row.

Just weeks after Gomez led members of the LA delegation to formally request FEMA grant these critical dollars to the City of Los Angeles, the funding, which is from FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program (SSP), has been approved. This request was in response to the growing humanitarian needs of migrants arriving in Los Angeles, many of whom are fleeing life-threatening situations.

The Gomez letter was also signed by Reps. Nanette Diaz Barragan, Adam Schiff, Tony Cárdenas and Sydney Kamlager-Dove.

"This funding is essential to furthering a regional and coordinated approach to addressing the needs of migrants in Los Angeles," wrote the members. "We are hopeful that FEMA will recognize the urgency of this request and provide the necessary support to continue these vital services."

The members’ request was addressed to FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and emphasized the urgent need for federal support to ensure that the City of Los Angeles, along with Los Angeles County and its nonprofit partners, can continue to provide vital humanitarian assistance and housing to new migrants.

"The City of Los Angeles, in collaboration with the LA Welcomes Collective, has been working tirelessly to ensure that these individuals are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve," wrote the members. "This includes providing shelter, medical care, mental health resources, legal services, and case management to those who need it most."

Gomez and the members highlighted the strain on local resources and the potential for worsening homelessness in the region if additional federal assistance is not provided. They noted that the city has already committed significant portions of its budget to support these efforts, but that without federal support, the ability to continue this work may be compromised.

A PDF of the letter can be downloaded here.


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