LOS ANGELES, CA — This past week, U.S. Representative Jimmy Gomez connected with students, health care providers, and working families in CA-34. From challenging DOGE’s hostile government takeover and supporting teachers and students to protecting access to affordable health care and renters’ rights, Gomez remains focused on protecting working families in his district.
Representative Jimmy Gomez, a Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the IRS and Social Security Administration. … As you know, there have been questions about what Elon Musk's role is exactly. The White House has said that Musk “has no formal authority to make government decisions.” If that's the case to your understanding, who's heading DOGE?
Gomez: “Well, that's exactly the point that he has no formal role. He hasn't been confirmed by the Senate, and he shouldn't be in charge of anything. Right now, he's trying to get, gain access to the IRS system, to the Treasury system, to Social Security system, and get a hold of Americans most sensitive personal information.”
California Congressman Jimmy Gomez is urging President Trump to avoid proposed cuts to Medicaid, saying they would be devastating to LA health clinics.
Medi-Cal, which supports hundreds of thousands of children, low-income seniors, and working families in California, receives its funding through Medicaid.
Gomez: “This fight is personal for me. I grew up without health insurance, and when I was seven years old, I got pneumonia. That hospital stay almost bankrupted my family. No parent should ever have to choose between taking their child to the doctor and putting food on the table.”
Los fondos federales destinados a los servicios de salud están en riesgo, y justamente aquí, en este lugar, el congresista Jimmy Gomez realizó una conferencia de prensa junto a médicos y expertos en salud de diferentes clínicas del condado de Los Angeles.
Durante la conferencia, señalaron que la mayoría de los pacientes reciben apoyo o asistencia a través de fondos de Medicaid, o en California, Medi-Cal.
Si estos fondos son recortados, el impacto sería grave, ya que se reducirían servicios preventivos esenciales.
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