Congressman Jimmy Gomez Leads CA Delegation Letter to Gov. Brown Urging him to Sign the DISCLOSE Act
October 5, 2017
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D - Los Angeles) and 20 other members of the California congressional delegation sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown urging him to sign Assembly Bill 249, also known as the DISCLOSE Act. “After the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC, we have seen billions of dollars of dark money flood our elections as corporations and other wealthy individuals abuse political action committees (PACs) to anonymously drown out the voice of Californians,” said the letter. “We urge your signature on AB 249 because the money we let into our elections is corrupting our democracy. It is time we reverse the Supreme Court’s wrong and give the power back to the people.” The bill, which Governor Jerry Brown has not yet signed into law, would require clear and concise information on major donors to be explicitly displayed in print, online, and TV advertisement as well as in mass mailers and robocalls. “For too long, corporations have spent hundreds of millions of dollars in secret to influence elections. This broken system has empowered a wealthy few to drown out the voice of working families,” said Congressman Jimmy Gomez. “The DISCLOSE Act is the best way to bring transparency into California’s electoral process and Governor Brown should sign the bill without delay.” Rep. Jimmy Gomez led the DISCLOSE Act during his tenure in the California State Assembly. Governor Brown has until October 15 to sign the measure. ### October 5, 2017 The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Dear Governor Brown: The DISCLOSE Act would require the three largest contributors to be listed on ballot measure ads or ads about candidates by outside groups. For video and television ads, these disclosures must appear background for five full seconds, and each of the three major funders' names must appear on a separate line. The increased transparency requirements would also apply to print advertising. Increased transparency is most important to voters when it comes to ballot measures that seek to create or change laws through the ballot box. Under current law, innocuous sounding political action committees can spend millions of dollars to trick voters to vote against their own interests when they are really just a middleman for powerful corporate interests. By signing the California DISCLOSE Act, you would empower voters with the information they need to make decisions critical to California's future. We urge your signature on AB 249 because the money we let into our elections is corrupting our democracy. It is time we reverse the Supreme Court's wrong and give the power back to the people. Respectfully, Jimmy Gomez Anna G. Eshoo Barbara Lee Ro Khanna Alan S. Lowenthal Mike Thompson Jared Huffman Jim Costa Mark DeSaulnier Mark Takano Salud O. Carbajal Zoe Lofgren Brad Sherman Juan Vargas Ted Lieu Julia Brownley Nanette Diaz Barragán Jackie Speier J. Luis Correa Tony Cárdenas John Garamendi Grace Napolitano Maxine Waters |