CBS News: Marjorie Taylor Greene will not resign amid calls for her expulsion from Congress

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California Democrat Jimmy Gomez will introduce his resolution to expel Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House of Representatives as early as next Tuesday. The resolution has already garnered more than 30 Democratic cosponsors, but a resolution to expel a member must receive two-thirds support of the House — which would require nearly 70 Republicans to join in…

Huffington Post: Jimmy Gomez Needs 70 Republicans To Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene

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On Jan. 6, Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) was lying on the ground of the gallery in the House of Representatives, hiding from an insurrectionist mob that was trying to break into the chamber to potentially kidnap or kill him and his colleagues. He’s found himself agitated in the weeks since — which he’s been told is a symptom of PTSD — and has watched many of his colleagues…

Politico: GOP under pressure to take action against Marjorie Taylor Greene

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The censure resolution is among several punitive measures floated by House Democrats in recent days, including a resolution from Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) that seeks to expel Greene from the House. Gomez will try to force a floor vote on that resolution, potentially as early as next week. While expulsion is highly unlikely, since it requires two-thirds support in the House, it would…

CNBC: Democratic lawmakers call for removal of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over incendiary rhetoric

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Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez of California announced Thursday he would introduce a resolution to expel Greene from Congress that would require a two-thirds majority to pass. House Ethics Committee Chairman Rep. Ted Deutch also expressed support for Greene’s removal from Congress. The Democrat’s Florida district includes Parkland, where the 2018 deadly shooting at Marjory…

CNN: These are the lawmakers calling for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's expulsion, censure or other punishment

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As of Friday evening, at least 50 House lawmakers have signed onto a resolution to be introduced by Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez calling for Greene's expulsion from Congress. Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the power to expel any member with a two-thirds vote, but it's unlikely Greene will be forced to give up her seat. Republicans control just under half…

Washington Post: The GOP is self-policing...further to the right

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If Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) is successful in his mission, the sixth representative to be ousted from the Chamber will be Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene’s history as a conspiracy theorist was well-known before her election, with her explicit advocacy of the QAnon movement leading to unusual scrutiny of a freshman legislator. Since Greene was sworn in, a number of new…

Fox News: Dem rep plans to introduce a resolution to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Rep. Jimmy Gomez on Wednesday announced that he plans to introduce a resolution to expel the controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress, accusing Greene of previously supporting calls for "political violence" and advocating "extremism and sedition." The resolution would require the support of two-thirds of the members of the House to pass.  Full Article

Politico: California Playbook

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GOMEZ VS. GREENE — Rep. Jimmy Gomez drafts resolution to oust Marjorie Taylor Greene from Congress, by POLITICO’s Matthew Choi: The California Democrat announced on Wednesday that he planned to introduce a resolution to oust the conspiracy-theory-peddling Republican from Georgia after recent news reports revealed that Greene had previously called for violence against Democrats…

Punchbowl News: What should the leadership do about MTG?

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Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) plans to offer a motion to expel Greene, although whether it ever comes up for a vote is still unclear. “Her very presence in office represents a direct threat against elected officials and staff who serve our country, and it is with their safety in mind, as well as the security of our institutions and public servants across our country, that I call on my…

AP: GOP tested anew by Georgia congresswoman's Facebook activity

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Still, there’s greater pressure on political leaders to address extremism after a pro-Trump mob staged a deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. California Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez announced Wednesday night that he was readying a resolution to expel Greene from Congress because of her past social media activity. In a statement to Axios, a spokesman for House Republican…

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