Rep. Jimmy Gomez Votes No on Republican Push to Gut Health Care and Food Assistance From Working Families
February 25, 2025
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) voted against the House Republican budget proposal to strip essential health care and food assistance from working families: “I just voted NO on the Republican budget because it would take health care from 425,000 people in my district—working parents, kids, and those with disabilities—all to fund tax cuts for billionaires,” said Rep. Gomez. “Our kids’ health isn’t a bargaining chip for the ultra-wealthy.” Last week, Representative Gomez rallied more than a dozen LA health clinic providers to highlight the devastating impact of Trump Republicans’ plan to gut Medicaid, cutting Medi-Cal funding and putting 425,000 people in CA-34 at risk of losing basic health care. ### |