Rep. Jimmy Gomez Joins Lawsuit Against Trump For Foreign Conflicts of InterestGomez Also Calls for Independent Commission to Investigate Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
Washington, DC,
July 14, 2017
Economy and Jobs
Today, Representative Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) joined over 200 Members of Congress in filing a lawsuit against President Donald Trump for his flagrant and ongoing violation of the Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution, which explicitly prohibits a sitting U.S. President from accepting any payments, benefits, or gifts from a foreign state without first obtaining the consent of Congress. The lawsuit was prompted by President Trump’s unprecedented move in failing to divest himself from the various businesses he owns - many of which actively engage in profitable dealings with foreign state governments and entities.
Rep. Jimmy Gomez also signed his support onto a discharge petition that would force a vote on H.R. 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act, bipartisan legislation establishing an outside, independent commission to investigate President Trump’s ties to Russia and possible collusion to interfere in an election.
The following is a statement made by Rep. Jimmy Gomez on joining the lawsuit against Trump:
"The Framers of our Constitution, in their wisdom, understood that foreign money is corrosive to our most basic democratic principles and institutions - this was their reasoning for writing the Emoluments Clause. The office of the Presidency cannot be trusted to be working in the interest of the American people for as long as its current occupant, Mr. Trump, shamelessly pockets money and benefits from foreign governments. That is why I have joined this lawsuit. It is imperative that we prevent Mr. Trump from continuing to accept benefits from foreign governments.”
The following is a statement made by Rep. Jimmy Gomez on his signing on to H.R. 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act:
"I have been incredibly disturbed by the recent and ongoing stream of revelations that, day by day, seem to paint a clearer picture of the deeply troubling links between Mr. Trump’s closest associates and the Russian government. That is why I have signed my name to the discharge petition for H.R. 356. This bill must go to a vote on the floor, so we can get to work to uncover the truth as soon as possible. If we wish to prevent future foreign meddling in America’s elections, we must understand what happened. We must understand the full extent of the links between Mr. Trump and Russia."