Gomez Rejoins Ways and Means Committee to Advance Policies on Housing Crisis and Cutting Costs
February 6, 2024
Economy and Jobs
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) is poised to rejoin the influential Ways and Means Committee after a unanimous vote in the Democratic Caucus supporting his reappointment. As a member of Ways and Means, Rep. Gomez will be tasked with issues of tax and trade, particularly related to housing and families. “Over the last year, I never stopped working to cut costs for the American people—establishing both the Dads Caucus and the Renters Caucus to tackle issues of affordable child care and housing costs that hurt our constituents’ wallets and weigh down our country’s economic growth. I’m excited to be back on Ways and Means to further bring these issues to light and find real solutions to update the tax code to work better for the American people and advance policies that lower costs across the board,” said Rep. Gomez. Rep. Gomez previously left the committee last year when Republicans took the majority in the House and committee appointments were restructured. A seat became available with the retirement of Democratic member Brian Higgins (NY-26) last week, allowing Gomez to once again take a seat on the dais in Ways and Means. Background:
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