STATEMENT: Congressman Jimmy Gomez Opposes FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

The future of the Internet is simply too important to leave up to the Trump administration. The Internet is an integral part of our lives, and we must protect the open principles on which it was founded.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) released the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the “Restoring Internet Freedom” order, which repealed regulations that offer equal and open access to the Internet.

“I am disappointed by the FCC’s vote to roll back net neutrality protections despite numerous calls from Congress and the public to delay it. The Internet is a pillar of our freedom and economy, and any changes require thoughtful public deliberation. By rushing this vote without a single public hearing, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and the two other Republican commissioners are taking after the House GOP and forcing a major change on millions of Americans without understanding the ramifications.

“The future of the Internet is simply too important to leave up to the Trump administration. The Internet is an integral part of our lives, and we must protect the open principles on which it was founded. As the representative of the people, Congress must step in to protect a free and open Internet with clear, common-sense rules that protect consumers, prevent blocking and throttling, and ensure no favorable treatment while encouraging investment in next generation broadband networks.”


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