Rep. Jimmy Gomez Votes NO on Continuing Resolution: “Intentions are not enough. It’s time for Congress to act.”

I voted against the continuing resolution because working families in Los Angeles and across our nation don’t need more hollow promises from Republicans. They demand action.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) issued the following statement after the House passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) without funding for community health care centers, disaster relief, and protection for DREAMers. Speaking on the Senate floor last night, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it’s his “intention” to take up legislation in the Senate that would address DACA, border security, disaster relief, health care, and a host of other issues by early February. 
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I voted against the Continuing Resolution because working families in Los Angeles and across our nation don’t need more hollow promises from Republicans. They demand action. The same energy that Republicans had for their billionaire tax breaks should be used to secure funding for community health centers, protect DREAMers, and pass a real budget. It’s time for Congress to act!
“The government shutdown falls squarely on the feet of President Donald Trump and the Republican Majority in Congress.  The path was paved – brick by brick – by Donald Trump’s decisions and actions that chose hate over love, division over unity, and party over county. Congressional Republicans are complicit with their inability to lead and govern. I remain committed to fighting for a spending bill that reflects the values of the American people.”


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